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Ripstein A. Ronald Dworkin // Contemporary philosophy in focus. - [б.м.]: Cambridge University press, 2007.
Ripstein A. Ronald Dworkin // Contemporary philosophy in focus. - [б.м.]: Cambridge University press, 2007.
Roosevelt Address Accepting the Presidential Nomination at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. // The American Presidency Project. 2 July 1932 [Электронный ресурс] - Режим доступа: http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=75174.
Ross A. On law and justice.- London: [б.н.], 1974.
Saussure F. Course in General Linguistics. eds. Charles Bally and Albert Sechehaye. Trans. Roy Harris. La Salle, Illinois: Open Court. 1983
Simmonds N. Blutness and Brocolage. // Jurisprudence: Cambridge Essays / ред. Gross H. и Harrison R.. - New York, Oxford : [б.н.], 1996.
Simmonds N. Central issues to jurisprudence: justice, law and rights. - London: Sweet&Maxwell, 2008.
Stocker M. Plural and conflickting values. - Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990.
Sugarman D. Legal theory, the common law mind and making of the textbook tradition. Twining, 1986
Taleb N. N. The black swan: the impact of highlyimprobable. - New York: Random House, 2007.
Thornton S. Karl Popper // Standford Encyclopedia of philosophy. [Электронный ресурс]- Режим доступа: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/popper/.
Vlastos G. Justice and Equality. // Theories of rights / book auth. Waldron J.- Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.
Wilde O. The Picture of Dorian Gray. - Moscow: Jupiter-Inter, 2005.
Перечень работ Рональда Дворкина[286]
Religion Without God. Cambridge, Ma.: London, 2013.
Justice for Hedgehogs. Cambridge, Ma.: London, 2011.
Is Democracy Possible Here? Principles For a New Political Debate. Princeton: Oxford, 2006.
Justice in Robes. Cambridge, Ma.; London, 2006
A Bill of Rights for Britain: Why British Liberty Needs Protecting. -London: Chatto & Windus, 1990; the basis of “Does Britain Need A Bill of Rights?” in Freedom’s Law, Р. 352-72.
Law’s Empire. -Cambridge: MA: Belknap Press, 1986.
Life’s Dominion: An Argument About Abortion, Euthanasia and Individual Freedom. - New York: Alfred Knopf, 1993.
Taking Rights Seriously. -London: Duckworth, 1977; rev. edn. includes “Reply to Critics”. -Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1978.
Сборники статей
A Matter of Principle. - Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1985.
Freedom’s Law: The Moral Reading of the American Constitution. - Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1996; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996; Bridgewater, NJ: Replica Books, 1997.
Sovereign Virtue: The Theory and Practice of Equality. -Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2000.
Под редакцией Р.Дворкина
A Badly Flawed Election: Debating Bush v. Gore, The Supreme Court, and American Democracy. -New York: New Press; distributed by Norton, 2002.
The Philosophy of Law. -London and New York: Oxford University Press, 1977.
Под совместной редакцией
(with Mark Lilla and Robert B. Silvers) The Legacy of Isaiah Berlin. -New York: New York Review of Books, 2001.
Автор вступления
Nunca Mas: The Report of the Argentine National Commission on the Di sappeared (by Elias Canetti). -New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 1986.
Видеовыступления Р. Дворкина
Выступление на Международной конференции «Вызовы мультикультурализму: миграция, гражданство и свобода слова» (Осло, 25-26 июня 2012) (www. youtube.com/watch?v=6wJQ658e-4U).
Religion without God [Эйнштейновская лекция, Университет Берна 14 декабря 2011] (https://cast.switch.ch/vod/clips/oa8fteplj/flash.html).
Skepticism [выступление, организованное Советом Карнеги, Нью-Йорк, 6 декабря 2011] (www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGvB6KIuyE0).
Equality [выступление, организованное Советом Карнеги, Нью-Йорк, 6 декабря 2011] (www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrDJAm09F-E).
Is There Truth in Interpretation? Law, Literature and History [инаугурационная лекция по юриспруденции в Библиотеке Конгресса США, Вашингтон, 29 октября 2009 г.] (www.youtube.com/watch?v=742JyiqLhuk).
Law and Political Morality [выступление на симпозиуме по случаю вручения Дворкину премии Холберга, 2007.]
(www. youtube. com/watch?v=D8D5aIOHRNI).
Democracy and Religion: America and Israel [выступление на Форуме Э.Н.Томпсона по мировым вопросам, США, 2007.] (www.youtube.com/watch?v=AU9kUlY-xUY).
Интервью Р. Дворкина
Interview with Ronald Dworkin // Talking Philosophy. Philosophers’ Magazine Blog [интервью 2012] (http://blog.talkingphilosophy.com/?p=68540).
We have a responsibility to live well // The Guardian. - 2011. - 31 March. (www.guardian. co.uk/books/2011/mar/31/ronald-dworkin-morality-dignity- hedgehogs).
Liptak A. Transcendent Lawyer // The Law School.- 2005. - N 15. Fall 2005. (www.law.nyu.edu/ecm_dlv4/groups/public/@nyu_law_website__ publication
s___ law_school_ma- gazine/documents/documents/ecm_dlv_008809.pdf).
Interview with Ronald Dworkin // Independent. - 1993. - 22 June. - (www.independent. co.uk/life-style/interview--its-a-hard-life-being-a- philosopher-or-perhaps-not-when-he-is-not-teaching-law-in-oxford-or-new- york-ronald-dworkin-is- busy-pondering-the-great-moral-dilemmas-of-our- day-difficult-work-indeed- so-thank-goodness-they-dont-take-up-all-his-time- 1493127.html).
Некрологи и посвящения Р. Дворкину
Delius M. von. Ronald Dworkin machte die Moral lebendig // Die Welt. - 2013. - 14 February (www.welt.de/kultur/article113648168/Ronald-Dworkin-machte- die- Moral-lebendig.html).
Epstein R. Ronald-Dworkin: A Tribute from the Other Side of the Political Spectrum // Richochet. - 2013. - 19 February (http://ricochet.com/main- feed/Ronald-Dworkin- A-Tribute-from-the-Other-Side-of-the-Political- Spectrum).
Feldman N. Dworkin’s Death Deprives Scalia of His Moral Foil // Bloomberg. - 2013. - 15 February (www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-02-14/dworkin-s- death-deprives-scalia-of-his-moral-foil.html).
Hodgeson G. Ronald Dworkin Obituary //Guardian, 2013. - 14 February (www.guardian.co.uk/law/2013/feb/14/ronald-dworkin)
Kemmerer A. von . Von der Pflicht zum guten Leben // Sueddeutsche.de. - 2013.15 Februar (www.sueddeutsche.de/kultur/zum-tod-des-rechtsphilosophen-ronald- dworkin-von-der-pflicht-zum-guten-leben-1.1600595).
Liptak A. Ronald Dworkin, Scholar of the Law, Is Dead at 81 // New York Times.
- 2013. -14 February (www.nytimes.com/2013/02/15/us/ronald-dworkin- legal-philosopher-dies-at-81 .html?pagewanted=all&_r=0).
Nagel T. Tribute to Ronald Dworkin // New York University Annual Survey of American Law. - 2007.- Vol. 63. P. 5-7.
Posner E. Ronald Dworkin’s Error // Slate Magazine. 2013, 19 February (www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/view_from_chicago/2013/02/rona ld_dworkin_the_legal_scholar_s_big_mistake.html).
Professor Ronald Dworkin// The telegraph. - 2013. - 15 February (www.telegraph.co.uk/ news/obituaries/law-obituaries/9873847/Professor- Ronald-Dworkin.html).
Ronald Dworkin dies at 81 // Haaretz. - 2013. - 15 February (www.haaretz.com/jewish- world/jewish-world-news/ronald-dworkin-dies-at- 81-1.503643).
Waldron J. Remembering Ronald Dworkin // The Chronicle of Higher Education. 2013. - 19 February (http://chronicle.com/blogs/conversation/2013/02/19/remembering-ronald- dworkin).
Watson B.C.S. A Republic Worthy of Ronald Dworkin // Library of Law and Liberty. - 2013. - 26 March (www.libertylawsite.org/2013/03/26/a-republic- worthy-of- ronald-dworkin).
Коваленко Г. В., Титов В. Д.Пам’яті Рональда Дворкіна // Філософія права і за-гальна теорія права (выход в свет летом 2013 г.).
Павлов А. Известный неизвестный мыслитель // Terra America. 2012, 20 February (www.terra-america.ru/izvestnii-neizvestnii-mislitel.aspx).
Труды Р.Дворкина в хронологическом порядке в зависимости от предмета
Would Clinton’s Plan Be Fair? // An Exchange. - New York: The New York Review of Books.- 1994. - May 26.
Will Clinton’s Plan be Fair? // Health Security Act 103d Congress, 1st Session The New York Review of Books. 1994.- January 13.-Р. 20-5; reprinted under the title “Justice and the High Cost of Health” in Sovereign Virtue, Р. 307-19.
Justice in the Distribution of Health Care // McGill Law Journal.- 1993.- vol. 38. - Р. 883-98.
Права и свободы
Terror and the Attack on Civil Liberties // The New York Review of Books. - 2003. - November 6
Taking Rights Seriously in Beijing // The New York Review of Books. 2002. - September 26.
Do We Have a Right to Pornography // Oxford Journal of Legal Studies. - 1981.- vol. 1, summer. - Р. 177-212; reprinted in A Matter of Principle, Р. 335-72; and under the title “Rights as Trumps”// Theories of Rights / in J. Waldron edition. - Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1984.- Р. 153-67.
The Rights of Myron Farber // The New York Review of Books. -1978. - October 26, reprinted under the title “The Farber Case: Reporters and Informers”// A Matter of Principle. - P. 373-80.
The Rights of M. A. Farber: An Exchange // The New York Review of Books. - 1978.- December 7.
Seven Critics // University of Georgia Law Review.- 1977.- vol. 11.- P. 1201.
Social Sciences and Constitutional Rights // The Educational Forum. -1977.- vol. XLI.-P. 271.
Rights and Interests // The New York Review of Books. - 1971.- March 11.
A Special Supplement: Taking Rights Seriously // The New York Review of Books.- 1970.- December 17.(http://www.nybooks.com/articles/10713); reprinted as chapter 7 of Taking Rights seriously, P. 184-205.
The Moral Reading of the Constitution // The New York Review of Books. -1996.- March 21.
Mr. Liberty, Review of Learned Hand: The Man and the Judge by Gerald Gunther // The New York Review of Books.-1994.- August 11; reprinted under the title “Learned Hand” // Freedom’s Law, P. 332-47.
One Year Later the Debate Goes On // The New York Times Book Review. -1992, October 25; reprinted under the title “Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas” // Freedom’s Law, P. 321-31.
The Reagan Revolution and the Supreme Court, Review of Order and Law: Arguing the Reagan Revolution / A Firsthand Account, by Charles Fried // The New York Review of Books.- 1991.- July 18; reprinted under the title “Gag Rule and Affirmative Action” // Freedom’s Law, P. 147-62.
Justice for Clarence Thomas // The New York Review of Books.- 1991.- November 7; reprinted under the title “The Thomas Nomination” in Freedom’s Law, pp. 306-20.
Revolution in the Court // The New York Review of Books.-1991.- August 15.
La Cour Supreme // Pouvoirs.- 1991.
Bork’s Jurisprudence // University of Chicago Law Review. - 1990.- Vol. 57; reprinted under the title “Bork’s Own Postmortem” // Freedom’s Law, P. 287305.
From Bork to Kennedy // The New York Review of Books.- 1987.- December 17; reprinted under the title “What Bork’s Defeat Meant” // Freedom’s Law, P. 276-86.
The Bork Nomination’ by Nathan P. Glazer, Reply by Ronald Dworkin // The New York Review of Books. -1987.- November 5.
The Bork Nomination’: An Exchange // The New York Review of Books.-1987.- October 8.
Reckless Disregard’: An Exchange // The New York Review of Books.- 1987.- September 24.
The Bork Nomination // The New York Review of Books.- 1987.- August 13; reprinted // the Cardozo Law Review. - 1987.- vol. 9.- P. 101; and appears under the title “Bork: The Senate’s Responsibility” // Freedom’s Law, P. 26575.
Time’s Rewrite // The New York Review of Books. 1987. - April 9.
Time’s Settlement // The New York Review of Books. - 1987.- March 12.
Reagan’s Justice: An Exchange // The New York Review of Books. -1985 - February 14.
Reagan’s Justice // The New York Review of Books. - 1984. - November 8.
An Exchange on William O. Douglas // New York Review of Books. -1981. - May 28.
Dissent on Douglas / Review of Independent Journey: The Life of William O. Douglas by James F. Simon and The Court Years, 1939 to 1975 / The Autobiography of William O. Douglas by William O. Douglas // The New York Review of Books. - 1081.- February 19.
A Special Supplement: The Jurisprudence of Richard Nixon // The New York Review of Books. - 1972.- May 4; (http://www.nybooks.com/articles/10204); reprinted under the title “Constitutional Cases” // Taking Rights Seriously, P. 131-49.
Политическая теория
Hart’s Postscript and the Character of Political Philosophy // Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, forthcoming. - P. 24-28, [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа
http: //www.law. nyu.edu/clppt/program2001/readings/readingshart/rdhartcollo quium2.pdf).
Equality, Luck and Hierarchy // Philosophy and Public Affairs. - 2003 spring. - vol. 31. - P. 190-8.
Sovereign Virtue Revisited // Ethics: Symposium on Ronald Dworkin’s ‘Sovereign Virtue. - 2002. - vol. 113.- P. 06-43.
Playing God: Genes, Clones and Luck // Prospect Magazine. - 1999; reprinted // Sovereign Virtue, P. 427-52.
Do Liberty and Equality Conflict? //. Living As Equals / in Paul Barker edition. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996, P. 39-58.
Ethik und Pragmatik des zivilen Ungehorsams // Widerstands Recht in der Demokratie. - Germany, 1994.
Gleichheit, Demokratie und die Verfassung // in Zum Begriff der Verfassung. - Frankfurt am Main: Fischer, 1994.
Constitutionalism and Democracy // European Journal of Philosophy: Colloquium on Law and Morality. - 1994. - vol. 3.
Svobada, Rovnost, a Pospolitost // Liberalni Spolecnost. - Prague, 1993.
Foundations of Liberal Equality // The Tanner Lectures on Human Values / in G.B. Petersen edition. - Salt Lake City: Utah University Press, 1990. - vol. XI; reprinted // Equal Freedom / in: S. Darwall edition. - Ann Arbor: Michigan
University Press, 1995, P. 190-206; revised and reprinted // Sovereign Virtue, P. 237-84.
Liberal Community // California Law Review. - 1989. - vol. 77, P. 479-504; reprinted // Sovereign Virtue, P. 211-36.
What is Equality? - Part 3: The Place of Liberty // Iowa Law Review. - 1988. - vol. 73. - P. 1-54; reprinted // Sovereign Virtue, P. 120-83.
What is Equality? - Part 4: Political Equality // University of San Francisco Law Review. - 1987. - vol. 22. - P. 1-30; reprinted // Sovereign Virtue, P. 184210.
Art as a Public Good // Art and the Law. - 1985. - vol. 9. - P. 143.
To Each His Own, Review of Spheres of Justice: A Defense of Pluralism and Equality by Michael Walzer // The New York Review of Books. - 1983. - April 14; reprinted under the title “What Justice Isn’t” // A Matter of Principle, P. 214-20.
Civil Disobedience and Nuclear Protests: talk delivered in Bonn / A Matter of Principle (adapted and published). - 1983. - September.- P. 104-16.
In Defense of Equality // Social Philosophy and Policy. - 1983, P. 24-40.
Spheres of Justice: An Exchange // The New York Review of Books. - 1983. - July 21.
Equality First // The New York Review of Books. - 1983. - May 12.
Why Liberals Should Believe in Equality // The New York Review of Books. - 1983. - February 3; reprinted under the title “Why Liberals Should Care About Equality” // A Matter of Principle, P. 205-13.
What Liberalism Isn’t: Review of Social Justice in the Liberal State by Bruce A. Ackerman // The New York Review of Books. - 1983. - January 20.
What is Equality? - Part 1: Equality of Welfare // Philosophy and Public Affairs. - 1981. - vol. 10. - P. 185-246; reprinted // Sovereign Virtue, P. 11-64.
What is Equality? - Part 2: Equality of Resources // Philosophy and Public Affairs. - 1981. - vol. 10. - P. 283-345; reprinted // Sovereign Virtue, P. 65-119.
Is Wealth a Value? // Journal of Legal Studies. - 1980. - vol. 9. - P. 191-226; reprinted // A Matter of Principle, P. 237-66.
Why Efficiency? // Hofstra Law Review. - 1980. - vol. 8. - P. 563-90; reprinted // A Matter of Principle, P. 267-92.
Three Concepts of Liberalism // New Republic. - 1979. - April 14. - P. 41-9.
Liberalism // Public and Private Morality / in S. Hampshire edition. - Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1978, P. 113-43; reprinted // A Matter of Principle, P. 181-204.
Did Mill Go Too Far? : Review of On Liberty and Liberalism / The Case of John Stuart Mill by Gertrude Himmelfarb // The New York Review of Books. - 1974. - October 31, revised and reprinted under the title “Liberty and Liberalism” // Taking Rights Seriously, P. 259-65.
On Not Prosecuting Civil Disobedience // The New York Review of Books. - 1968. - June 6; revised and reprinted under the title “Civil Disobedience” // Taking Rights Seriously, P. 206-22.
Свобода слова
Free Speech, Politics, and the Dimensions of Democracy // If Buckly Fell / in E. Joshua Rosencrantz edition. - New York: Century Foundation, 1999; reprinted // Sovereign Virtue, P. 351 -385.
We Need a New Interpretation of Academic Freedom // Academic Freedom and Its Future / in Louis Menand edition. - Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1996, published under the title “Why Academic Freedom?” // Freedom’s Law, P. 244-60.
The Unbearable Cost of Liberty // Index on Censorship. - 1995. - vol. 24, May- June. - P. 43-6.
Pornography: An Exchange // The New York Review of Books. - 1994. - March 3; Dworkin’s letter reprinted as Addendum to “MacKinnon’s Words” // Freedom’s Law, P. 239-43.
A New Map of Censorship // Index on Censorship. - 1994. - vol. 23.
Women and Pornography: Review of Only Words by Catherine A. MacKinnon // New York Review of Books. - 1993. - October 21; reprinted under the title “MacKinnon’s Words” // Freedom’s Law, P. 227-43.
Free Speech and its Limits,’ by George Brunn, Reply by Ronald Dworkin // The New York Review of Books. - 1992. - November 19.
The Coming Battles over Free Speech : Review of Make No Law / The Sullivan Case and the First Amendment by Anthony Lewis // The New York Review of Books. - 1992. - June 11; reprinted under the title “Why Must Speech be Free?” // Freedom’s Law, P. 195-213.
Liberty and Pornography // The New York Review of Books. - 1991. - August 15; based on “Two Concepts of Liberty // Isaiah Berlin: A Celebration / in Edna Ullman-Margalit and Avishai Margalit editions.- Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991.
A Harmful Precedent // Index on Censorship. - 1991; reprinted under the title “No News is Bad News for Democracy” // The Times. - 1991. - 27 March; and under the title “A Compelling Case for Censorship, the Addendum to “Pornography and Hate” // Freedom’s Law, P. 223-6.
Devaluing Liberty // Index on Censorship. - 1988. - vol. 17.
The Press on Trial: Review of Reckless Disregard: Westmoreland v. CBS et al.; Sharon v. Time by Renata Adler// The New York Review of Books. -1987. - February 26; reprinted in Freedom’s Law, P. 167-94.
Is the Press Losing the First Amendment?// The New York Review of Books. - 1980.-, December 4; reprinted // A Matter of Principle, P. 381-97.
Современная политика
The Trouble with the Tribunals // The New York Review of Books.2002. - April 25. -[Электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа : http://www.nybooks.com/articles/15284.
The Threat to Patriotism // The New York Review of Books. - 2002. - February 28. -[Электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа : http: //www.nybooks. com/articles/15145.
A Badly Flawed Election’: An Exchange // The New York Review of Books. - 2001. -, February 22.
A Badly Flawed Election// The New York Review of Books. - 2001. - January 11. -[Электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа : http: //www.nybooks. com/articles/13954.
The Phantom Poll Booth // The New York Review of Books. - 2000. - December 21.
Philosophy and Monica Lewinsky / Review of An Affair of State: The Investigation, Impeachment, and Trial of President Clinton by Richard A. Posner and The Problematics of Moral and Legal Theory by Richard A. Posner // The New York Review of Books. - 2000. - March 9.
A Question of Ethics // The New York Review of Books - 2000. - May 25.- [Электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа : http://www.nybooks.com/articles/79.
An Affair of State: An Exchange // The New York Review of Books. -2000. - April 27.
The Wounded Constitution // The New York Review of Books. -1999. - March 18. A Kind of Coup // The New York Review of Books. - 1999. - January 14.
The Curse of American Politics // The New York Review of Books. - 1996, - October 17.
Court of Appeal: The Black Community Speaks Out on the Racial and Sexual Politics of Clarence Thomas vs Anita Hill // The New York Times. - 1992. - October 25.
The New England / Review of Mrs. Thatcher’s Revolution: The Ending of the Socialist Era by Peter Jenkins // The New York Review of Books. - 1988. - October 27.
Report from Hell // The New York Review of Books. - 1986. - July 17.
Some Views of Mrs. Thatcher’s Victory // The New York Review of Books. - 1979. - June 28.
Soulcraft / Review of The Pursuit of Happiness, and Other Sobering Thoughts by George F. Will // The New York Review of Books .- 1978. - October 12.
There Oughta Be a Law / Review of The Lawyers, / Martin Mayer // The New York Review of Books. 1968. - March 14.
Теория права
Thirty Years On // Harvard Law Review. - 2002. - vol. 115. - p. 1655-87. Darwin’s New Bulldog // Harvard Law Review. - 1998. - vol. 111.
Indeterminacy and Law // Positivism Today / in Stephen Guest edition. - Burlington, VA: Dartmouth, 1996.
Reply to Paul Ricoeur // Ratio Juris.- 1994. - vol. 7. - P. 287.
Jurisprudence and Constitutional Law // Encyclopaedia of the American Constitution / in Leonard Williams Levy, Kenneth L. Karst, and Adam Winkler editions.- New York: Macmillan, 1991.
Pragmatism, Right Answers, and True Banality // Pragmatism in Law and Society / in Michael Brint and W. Weaver editions.- Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1991, P. 359.
On Gaps in the Law // Controversies about Law’s Ontology / in P. Amselek and N. MacCormick editions.- Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1991.
Equality, Democracy, and Constitution: We the People in Court // Alberta Law Review. -1990. - vol. 280. - P. 324.
Posner’s Charges: What I Actually Said // 1990 [Электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа :
http: //www. nyu. edu/gsas/dept/philo/faculty/dworkin/papers/posner. html.
The Tempting of America: The Political Seduction of the Law // University of Chicago Law Review. - 1990. - vol. 57. - P. 479.
Legal Theory and the Problem of Sense // Issues in Contemporary Legal Philosophy: The Influence of HLA Hart / in R. Gavison edition.- Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987.
A New Link in the Chain // University of California Law Review. - 1986. - vol. 74. - P. 103.
The High Cost of Virtue: Review of Morality and Conflict by Stuart Hampshire // the New York Review of Books. - 1985. - October 24.
Law’s Ambition for Itself // Vanderbilt Law Review. - 1985. - vol. 71. - P. 173.
A Reply to Critics // Ronald Dworkin and Contemporary Jurisprudence / In
Marshall Cohen edition. - Totowa, NJ: Rowman and Allanheld, London: Duckworth, 1984.
Law as Interpretation // Texas Law Review. - 1982. - vol. 60, March; revised under the title “Please Don’t Talk About Objectivity Any More” // Critical Inquiry. - 1982. - vol. 9. - P. 179-200;.), // The Politics of Interpretation / published by W. J. T. Mitchell edition. - Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1983; forms the basis of “Interpretation and Objectivity // in A Matter of Principle, P. 167-80.
Natural Law Revisited // University of Florida Law Review. - 1982. - vol. 34. - P. 165.
Principle, Policy, Procedure // in Crime, Proof and Punishment: Essays in Memory of Sir Rupert Cross. - London and Boston: Butterworths, 1981, P. 193; reprinted // A Matter of Principle, P. 72-103.
The Forum of Principle // New York University Law Review. - 1981. - vol. 56, May-June; reprinted // A Matter of Principle, P. 33-71.
Political Judges and the Rule of Law // Proceedings of the British Academy. - 1978. - vol. 64; reprinted // A Matter of Principle, P. 9-32.
No Right Answer? // New York University Law Review. - 1978. - vol. 53; revised and reprinted // Law, Morality and Society: Essays in Honour of H. L. A. Hart / in P.M.S. Hacker and J. Raz editions. - Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1977, P. 58-84; reprinted under the title “Is There Really No Right Answer in Hard Cases?” // A Matter of Principle, P. 119-45.
Is Law a System of Rules? // The Philosophy of Law / in R. Dworkin edition; also appears as chs. 2 and 4 of Taking Rights Seriously.
Hard Cases // Harvard Law Review. - 1975. - vol. 88; revised and reprinted // Taking Rights seriously, P. 81-130.
Social Rules and Legal Theory // Yale Law Journal. - 1972. - vol. 81. - P. 855; reprinted under the title “The Model of Rules II” // Taking Rights Seriously, P. 46-80.
Morality and the Law / Review of Punishment and Responsibility: Essays in the Philosophy of Law by H.L.A. Hart // The New York Review of Books. - 1969. - May 22; reprinted under the title “Jurisprudence” In Taking Rights Seriously, P. 1-13.
The Model of Rules // University of Chicago Law Review. - 1967. - vol. 35. - P. 14; reprinted under the title “Is Law a System of Rules?” // Essays in Legal Philosophy / in R. Summers edition. - Oxford: Blackwell, 1968, P. 25; and as “The Model of Rules I” // Taking Rights Seriously, P. 14-46; and // The Philosophy of Law / in R. Dworkin edition. - P. 38.
The Case for Law - A Critique // Valparaiso Law Review. - 1967. - vol. 1. - P. 215.
Lord Devlin and the Enforcement of Morals // Yale Law Journal. - 1966. - vol. 75. - P. 986; reprinted under the Title “Liberty and Moralism,” //Taking Rights Seriously. - P. 240-58; and // Morality and the Law / in R. Wasserstrom edition. - Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1971, P. 55.
Philosophy, Morality and Law - Observations prompted by Professor Fuller’s Novel Claim // Ethics. - 1965. - vol. 13. - P. 47.
Does Law Have A Function?: A Comment on the Two-Level Theory of Decision // Yale Law Journal. - 1965. - vol. 74. - P 640; retitled from “Wasserstrom, “The Judicial Decision” // Ethics. - 1964. - vol. 75. - P. 47.
The Elusive Morality of Law // Vanderbilt Law Review. - 1965 - vol. 10. - P. 631; shortened version of “Philosophy, Morality and Law - Observations prompted by Professor Fuller’s Novel Claim.”
Judicial Discretion // Journal of Philosophy. - 1963. - vol. 60.
Теория действия
The Court and the University: An Exchange // The New York Review of Books. - 2003. - August 14; [Электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа
: http: //www.nybooks. com/articles/16529.
The Court and the University // The New York Review of Books. - 2003. - May 15; -[Электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа :http://www.nybooks.com/articles/16271.
Affirming Affirmative Action / Review of the Shape of the River: Long-Term Consequences of Considering Race in College and University Admissions by William G. Bowen and Derek Bok // the New York Review of Books. - 1998. - October 22; reprinted under the title “Affirmative Action: Does it Work?” // Sovereign Virtue, P. 386-408.
Is Affirmative Action Doomed?”// The New York Review of Books. - 1998. - November 5; reprinted under the title “Affirmative Action: Is it Fair?” // Sovereign Virtue, P. 409-52.
How to Read the Civil Rights Act: An Exchange // The New York Review of Books. - 1980. - May 15.
How to Read the Civil Rights Act // The New York Review of Books. - 1979. - December 20; reprinted // A Matter of Principle, P. 316-34.
Begging the Bakke Question // The New York Review of Books. - 1978. - September 28.
The Bakke Decision: Did It Decide Anything?” // The New York Review of Books. - 1978. - August 17; reprinted unde the title “What Did Bakke Really Decide?” // A Matter of Principle, P. 304-15.
The Bakke Case: An Exchange // The New York Review of Books. -1978. - January 26.
DeFunis v. Sweatt // Equality and Preferential Treatment / in Marshall Cohen, Thomas Nagel, and Thomas Scanlon editions. - Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1977.
Why Bakke Has No Case // The New York Review of Books. - 1977. - November 10; reprinted under the title “Bakke’s Case: Are Quotas Unfair?” // A Matter of Principle, P. 293-303.
The DeFunis Case: An Exchange // The New York Review of Books - 1976. - July
The DeFunis Case: The Right to Go to Law School / Review of DeFunis versus Odegaard and the University of Washington: The University Admissions Case. The Record edited by Ann Fagan Ginger published in The New York Review of Books. - 1976. - vol. 23, February 5; review revised and reprinted under the title “Reverse Discrimination,” // Taking Rights Seriously, P. 22339.
Эвтаназия и аборт
Brief of Amicus Curiae in Support of Respondents: Washington v. Glucksberg, No. 96-110, and Vacco v. Quill, No. 95-1858, Filed in the United States Supreme Court / with Thomas Nagel, Robert Nozick, John Rawls, Thomas Scanlon, and Judith Jarvis Thomson. - Washington, DC; December 10, 1996.
Assisted Suicide: The Philosophers’ Brief / with Thomas Nagel, Robert Nozick, John Rawls, Thomas Scanlon, and Judith Jarvis Thomson // The New York Review of Books. - 1997. - vol. 44, March 27.
Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: An Exchange // The New York Review of Books. - 1997. - November 6.
Assisted Suicide: What the Court Really Said // The New York Review of Books.
- 1997. - September 25; revised and published under the title “Sex, Death and the Courts” // Sovereign Virtue, P. 453-474.
The Philosopher’s Brief: An Exchange // The New York Review of Books. -1997.
- May 29; [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: http://www.nybooks.com/articles/1171.
Assisted Suicide: The Philosophers’ Brief // The New York Review of Books. -
1997. - March 27; [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: http: //www.nybooks. com/articles/1237.
Sex, Death, and the Courts: Review of the judicial decisions: Compassion in Dying v. State of Washington, 79 F. 3d 790, United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit (1996); Quill v. Vacco, 80 F. 3d 716, United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit (1996); Romer v. Evans, 116 S. Ct. 1620, United States Supreme Court (1996) // The New York Review of Books - 1996. - August 8; revised and reprinted // Sovereign Virtue, P. 453-74.
Death, Politics and the Sacred // Case Western Law Review. - 1995.
When is it Right to Die? Doctor-assisted Suicide for the Terminally Ill // The New York Times. - 1994. - May 17; reprinted as Addendum to “Do We Have A Right to Die?” // Freedom’s Law, P. 143-6.
Tyranny at the Two Edges of Life: A Liberal View // New Perspectives Quarterly.
- 1994. - Winter.
Feminism and Abortion // The New York Review of Books. - 1993. - June 10.
Life is Sacred, That’s the Easy Part // New York Times Magazine - 1993. - May
Unenumerated Rights: Whether and How Roe v Wade Should be Overruled // University of Chicago Law Review. - 1992. - vol. 59. - P. 381-432; reprinted under the title “What the Constitution Says” // Freedom’s Law, P. 72-116.
The Center Holds!” // The New York Review of Books. - 1992. - August 13; reprinted under the title “Roe Was Saved” // Freedom’s Law, P. 117-46.
The Right to Death // The New York Review of Books. - 1991. - March 28; [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа : http://www.nybooks.com/articles/3322.
The Right to Death // The New York Review of Books. - 1991. - January 31; reprinted under the title “Do We Have a Right to Die?” // Freedom’s Law, P. 130-46, Addendum originally published under the title “When is it Right to Die?” // New York Times. - 1994. - May 17.
Taking Rights Seriously in the Abortion Case // Ratio Juris. - 1990. - p. 68.
The Future of Abortion // The New York Review of Books. - 1989. - September 28; reprinted under the title “Verdict Postponed” // Freedom’s Law, P. 60-71.
The Great Abortion Case // The New York Review of Books. - 1989. - June 29; reprinted under the title “Roe In Danger” // Freedom’s Law, P. 44-59.
Philosophical issues concerning the rights of patients suffering serious permanent dementia,” prepared for the Office of Technology Assessment, Congress of the United States. - Washington, DC:Government Printing Olfiice, 1987.
Reply by Ronald Dworkin,” in Symposium on “Objectivity and Truth: You’d Better Believe It,” BEARS in Moral and Political Philosophy: (75322.3100@compuserve.com), posted 4/9/97.
Objectivity and Truth: You’d Better Believe It // Philosophy & Public Affairs. - 1996.- vol. 25, Spring. - P. 87-139; [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа
http: //www.nyu.edu/gsas/dept/philo/faculty/dworkin/papers/objectivity.html.
Ethical Theory: Character and Virtue // Midwest Studies in Philosophy: Special Issue. - 1988. - vol. 12.
What Moral Philosophies Can Learn from the Law // University of Maryland Law Forum. - 1977. - vol. 7. - P. 115.
Зарубежные монографии и собрания очерков, затрагивающие творчество Р. Дворкина
Allard J. Dworkin / dir. B. Frydman. Paris, 2005.
Amandi V.M.R. Ronald Dworkin y los principios generales del derecho. Mexico, 2007.
Barry N. P. Ronald Dworkin and the Transformation of Law. Basingstoke, 2002.
Bittner C. Recht als interpretative Praxis: zu Ronald Dworkins allgemeiner Theorie des Rechts. Berlin, 1988.
Brown A. Ronald Dworkin’s Theory of Equality: Domestic and Global Perspectives.
New York, 2009.
Burke J.J.A. The Political Foundation of Law: The Need for Theory with Practical Value: the Theories of Ronald Dworkin and Roberto Unger. San Francisco, 1993.
Covette Ch. The Defence of Natural Law: a Study of the Ideas of Law and Justice in the Writings of Lon L. Fuller, Michael Oakeshot, F. A. Hayek, Ronald Dworkin, and John Finnis. New York, 1992.
Dworkin and His Critics: with Replies by R. Dworkin / ed. J. Burley. Oxford, 2004.
Dworkin: Un debat / eds. S. Wesche, V. Zanetti. Bruxelles; Paris, 1999.
Exploring Law’s Empire: The Jurisprudence of Ronald Dworkin / ed. S. Hershovitz.
Oxford, 2006.
Figueroa A.G. Principios y positivismo jurl dico: el no positivismo principalista en las teori as de Ronald Dworkin y Robert Alexy. Madrid, 1998.
Gaffney P. Ronald Dworkin on Law as Integrity: Rights as Principles of Adjudication. Lewiston; New York, 1996.
Giovannini G. Ronald Dworkin: una teoria liberale del diritto. Pisa, 2010.
Guest S. Ronald Dworkin (Jurists: Profiles in Legal Theory). 3rd ed. Stanford, Са., 2013 [1st ed. 1992; 2nd ed. 1997].
Heinold A. Die Prinzipientheorie bei Ronald Dworkin und Robert Alexy. Berlin, 2011.
Honeyball S., Walter J. Integrity, Community, and Interpretation: a Critical Analysis of Ronald Dworkin’s Theory of Law. Aldershot, 1998.
Murphy C.F. Descent into Subjectivity: Studies of Rawls, Dworkin, and Unger in the Context of Modern Thought. Wakefield, NH., 1990.
Oenen G. van. Conventie en rechtsintrige: een visie op de rechtstheorie van Ronald Dworkin. Zwolle, 1994.
Papadopoulos I. Pratiques juridiques interpre tatives et herme neutique litte raire: variations autour d’un the me de Ronald Dworkin. Cowansville, Que bec,
Ramirez P. R. B. Dworkin. Lima, 2010.
Ramn C. Recht und Demokratie bei Ju rgen Habermas und Ronald Dworkin. Frankfurt am Main, 2005.
Reading Dworkin Critically / ed. A. Hunt. New York, 1992.
Ronald Dworkin (Contemporary Philosophers in Focus) / ed. A. Ripstein. Cambridge, Ma., 2007.
Ronald Dworkin and Contemporary Jurisprudence / ed. M. Cohen. London, 1984.
Sagnotti S. C. I diritti: tra storia e morale: riflessioni sul pensiero di Ronald Dworkin. Milano, 1998.
Wilkes F. John Rawls, Theorie der Gerechtigkeit, und Ronald Dworkin, These der Rechte: Positionen neuer amerikanischer Rechtsphilosophie zwischen Liberalismus, Utilitarismus, Positivismus und Naturrecht. Frankfurt am Main; New York, 1997.
232 Berlin I. Concepts and Categories: Philosophical Essays. - London: Hogarth Press, 1978, p. 141 - 142
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